Friday, January 14, 2011

The snow storm that hit the east coast missed us and we got only three inches (if that) of snow. So we are lucky!!!!

I have some vintage ornaments that I put on my tree each year and I wanted to share a few of them with you...especially my favorites because they are so unique. The whole tree is decorated with vintage ornaments and this is just a few of them. Enjoy

Until next time........

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Christmas is over and a New Year has begun. Things around here has been so hectic during the holiday season with activities at the schools and family events. It was hard to find the time to post to my blogs, but I am going to make an effort every week to post to my blogs. So come back each week and check out what I have to write.

Here's are a few facts I have found in an old, old magazine:

In 1644, the observance of Christmas in England was forbidden by an act of Parliament. Under Oliver Crowmwell's regime.

The Pennsylvania Dutch name for Santa Claus is----Pelznickel

Until next posting.....take care